Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Brief Note On Race And Class Inequality - 1936 Words

Race and Class Inequality I.Introduction â€Å"No matter your social status, or how powerful you feel you are, we are all equal. We came here by birth and will leave in death† (Unknown). Within the United States, social class/status is a very evident aspect of our culture. Social class is the status of certain people that we, as a society, are identified, and then divided and placed into different â€Å"classes,† such as high, middle, and low class. Research has defined social status as, â€Å"A broad group in society having a common economic, cultural, or political status†(Dictionary). Social class is affiliated to status, while status, is therefore associated with lifestyle, prestige and achievement of a person. Even though social class is strongly†¦show more content†¦Today, it is common to see around 600 prisoners for every 100,000 people. America s incarceration boom has been found to be heavily racially focused. Further research has shown that around thirty percent of all African-American males ages twenty to twenty-nine are under correctional supervision either in jail, prison, on probation or on parole. When looking at the Bureau of Justice Statistics, it’s interesting to see how what life is determined for a person based on what racial and ethic group they are apart of. Based on current rates, it predicts that a young black man, at the age of sixteen, back in 1996 would face a twenty-nine percent chance of spending time in prison. When looking at the same statistic for a young white man, there is only a four percent chance that he will spend time in prison. It is also said, according to Thomas K. Lowenstein, Director of the Electronic Policy Network, that seven percent of black children (nearly nine times more than white children) have an incarcerated parent. High Incarceration rates seen to have become a typical and predicable part of early adulthood for many black men in the United States. Research has also proven that low wages, unemployment, family instability, and restrictions on social rights of minorities have been linked to higher rates of incarceration. The risks of a prison sentence are correlated with education. One study shows that sixty percent of people that did not finish high school and around thirty percentShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Wealth Disparity?1291 Words   |  6 Pagesexactly is wealth disparity? And why does it matter? The website is a fascinating website full of statistics on this topic and provides data by analyzing whether policies instituted help, or hurt this problem. They define wealth inequality as â€Å"the unequal distribution of assets within a population. The United States exhibits wider disparities of wealth between rich and poor than any other major developed nation† (inequality .org, 2017, para. 1). 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